
Willyou.net is a unique engagement ring experience where you can select a setting and a diamond for your engagement ring, online, and then see the ring in person at a local jewelry store in your city, state - BEFORE you commit! Willyou.net partners with local jewelers across the United States to assure that there’s a perfect ring match just for you!
The jewelers platform

This challenging project involved designing a B2B2C marketing website hosting editable e-commerce platforms for jewelers. Alongside the website, we implemented a comprehensive monitoring dashboard—a management system empowering businesses to oversee their websites.

Additionally, we were tasked with crafting the entire branding, starting from the foundational elements of the color and typography style guide to delivering a fully functional design system facilitating the creation of diverse pages, layouts, and use cases.

"WeHover has truly become an invaluable partner, demonstrating a sincere commitment to our company and brand. They consistently contribute fresh ideas and suggestions that have played a pivotal role in propelling our business forward."
Roy Eliav
Roy Eliav
Design System Components

As part of the Design System we created the components – the building blocks of user interfaces. Tease were used to create the product. Filters, cards and dialogs are just a few examples of the components.

Components range in complexity, from simple components such as a “Submit” button to more complex components such as interactive cards. Usually, the more complex a component, the fewer the scenarios to which it can be applied.

This approach brought a lot of benefits to the design process and reduced technical overhead by making design and code reusable.

The marketing website

Ensuring a positive first impression of WillYou was a key focus, aiming to impact the audience within the initial moments of their visit. Beyond the presentation of content, specific web design elements were strategically optimized to directly influence SEO outcomes. Recognizing the website as the digital face of the business, we treated it akin to a customer service representative, ensuring a bright, modern, and inviting appearance to make the target audience feel welcome. The goal was to convey openness and a warm reception to new visitors. Throughout the design process, a commitment to consistency was maintained across the entire website, facilitated by the implementation of a Design System. This commitment not only fosters brand recognition but also enhances audience engagement, encouraging prolonged interaction on the page.

The Dashboard

While each data dashboard has its own requirements, limitations, and goals, we were facing some objective guidelines that are almost always relevant for dashboard creation.

We wanted to simplefy: we had lots of information, lots of data that changes all the time and different analytical needs. We wanted to take all this complexity and make it simple for the user.

Tells a clear story: we wannted to be able to connect data to its context in the business and to answer the jewelers questions. This is where the visual layout of the dashboard played a crucial role.

Expresses the meaning of the data: the chosen data visualizations had to represent the information one want’s to extract from it.