
The HideOut app is an anonymous instant messaging mobile app. Unlike popular instant messaging apps, Hideout doesn’t let you know who you’re talking to; Your contact list is composed from your friends and the contact list of your friends We used a clean UI/UX approach in the app. Icons (or “Masks”) of different kinds of animals are used to identify each other, eliminating the possibility of guessing the gender of your friends other than words.
Anonymous app for youth

Creating an anonymous app for the youth was not an easy task. Unlike many applications that require you to link to a user, Hideout requires a creation of a personalized avatar to start texting with other anonymous friends. The interface is fun and user-friendly — you can literally play games inside your chat rooms! With the majority of the user population between ages 13 and 24, Hideout is a great way for teens and young adults to chat and interact.

Contact List and Main Chat

As part of the app we created a different kind of contacts list than other conventional messaging apps. The app requiered us to create a contact list with the ability of having a few profile avatars due to the fact the user is able to have a few identities.

The main chat has the same restrictions as other features in the app – each avatar has a different color coding for differentiating one from the other easelly. As well as the traditional messaging features (text, picture etc.) we added the “pic-chat” so two anonymus users can trade puzzle pieaces from a picture to add some mystery.

“It’s been a pleasure working and creating together. Thorough and professional throughout and have produced an excellent App for us.”
Tal Franji
Tal Franji